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Cherry Rock Farms near Brandon has been family-owned and operated since 1925. John Picasso came to Sioux Falls in 1905 from Genoa, Italy. He worked at local greenhouses where he grew his love for gardening. In 1925, he opened a market called Cherry Rock Gardens on the Big Sioux River. It quickly became a household name for the high quality of produce at a reasonable price. Today, with the help of Grandpa David, son Marco is learning the family business and working to maintain the high quality of produce our customers have come to expect. We offer a variety of produce, including pumpkins, melons and more, as well as farm activities during our Pumpkin Patch festivities in early October, which include a corn maze, hayrides, goat petting, pumpkin painting, food trucks and more. See our seasonal hours on our website or Facebook page. We are open six days a week (closed Mondays). Stop out and see us soon.