Hidden Treasure: South Dakota’s Custer State Park
Watch as wranglers and rangers round up more than 1,300 stampeding buffalo during the annual Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup, held the last Friday of September.
See what other travelers discovered at Custer State Park, and use the hashtag #HiFromSD to share your vacation experiences.
The Travel South Dakota Stories

Episode 1: The Fall and Rise of the Buffalo
Feel the ground rumble and see the dust fly as 60 cowboys and cowgirls saddle up to bring in a thundering herd of 1,300 buffalo at the annual Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup. But we’re not just watching it. We’re in the thick of it, as we get thrown around on the back of a truck chasing the herd across the wide-open plains!

Explore 71,000 acres of unmatched beauty and free-roaming wildlife in Custer State Park, alongside the action-packed towns of Rapid City, Sturgis and Custer.

13329 US Highway 16A
Custer, SD57730
United States