What Makes South Dakota the Greatest?
Anyone who’s walked our fields knows why they keep coming back. From 2022 to 2023, the pheasant harvest increased by 7.3 percent for a total of 1.2 million birds! You’d have to add up the total harvests from neighboring states to get numbers like ours. And the way things are looking, 2024 is going to be a record-breaker, thanks to conservation efforts and ideal weather conditions.

Licenses are sold at more than 400 locations across the state, but you can save some time by buying online. Click the box and pack your bags – the best hunt of your life is waiting in South Dakota.
Pheasant Harvest Report
“Between ideal weather and last year’s harvest count, all signs point to this being the best year of South Dakota hunting in decades."
- Kevin Robling, GFP Secretary
Tailgate Talks
Everyone hunts for a different reason. The habitat, the company, the rush of the flush – it’s all part of the great South Dakota experience.
Erica Hill
Pheasants Forever representative Erica Hill talks conservation and why she’s passionate about preserving habitat.
Sargent Family
Spending time with the people you’re closest to: that’s what hunting the greatest is all about.
Jerry & Jace
After winning the chance to hunt in South Dakota, Jerry and Jace find the excitement two generations can have in the field.
See how winning a Hunt The Greatest trip led Michelle to some powerful hunting memories and personal revelations in the fields of South Dakota.

Find helpful tips for hunting around South Dakota – and stories from the women who have been there and done that.

Planning Tools
Whether you’re looking for a guided lodge experience or a public land adventure, we’ve got the resources to get you started.
SD Game Fish & Parks Email
Stay informed on what's happening in South Dakota's great outdoors.
Free South Dakota Hunting Packet
Includes the Hunting & Trapping Handbook from Game, Fish & Parks, a South Dakota Vacation Guide and a State Highway Map.